Saturday, December 31, 2022

2022 in Review: A Year of Movement

Much like 2020 and 2021, I write to you in a state of exhaustion; however, while 2020 and 2021's collective exhaustion was a malaise-induced exhaustion, this exhaustion is more akin to what one would feel at the conclusion of a good workout. 2022 has been a year of movement in the literal as well as the metaphoric sense. I would be lying if I said I was not overwhelmed at times (to be honest, I've been overwhelmed more often than not), but I feel proud of where I am now compared to where I was 365 days ago. With that said, here is my 2022 in Review.  


Physical Movement Contracting mono on the back end of 2021 really set back my physical and mental health significantly. One of my biggest priorities in 2022 was to regain the ground I had lost in 2021 and do so sustainably. I set nutritional and exercise goals for myself, and other than a mostly expected hiccup at the end of the year, I was able to maintain where I wanted to be. Now that I have regained that which I lost in 2021, I am excited to take my physical health to new heights in 2023! 2022 also brought movement in travel. It was another year in which I had the opportunity to travel to both coasts. In March, I had the privilege of flying out to Long Beach, California, to celebrate my buddy Kenny's wedding. It was a picturesque scene overlooking the ocean and a celebration befitting the bride and groom. For Christmas, I had the opportunity to once again stay with my sister in North Carolina. While the trip was cut short due to madness surrounding Southwest Airlines, it was a great opportunity to get away from things here and surround myself with the things and people who mattered. In between those bookend trips, I was able to attend three concerts, (finally) celebrate my doctoral degree at commencement in Indianapolis in July, and take a mini roadtrip to the eastern end of Michigan to eat at te nearest Fuddruckers. With life being as busy as it has been in 2022, it has been especially important for me to carve out opportunities to recharge and surround myself with the things, people, and experiences which bring me joy and peace.  


Metaphorical Movement In 5, 10, 20, or 50 years from now when I look back on 2022, I will probably remember it most as the year things finally started to happen. For close to five years, I was putting in work, but I honestly felt as though I was in a perpetal state of waiting. This year started the same way, but something significant changed around the month of May. Actually, someone changed around that time: Me. For perhaps the first time in my life, I realized how much my mindset mattered. I couldn't necessarily change my surroundings or my opportunities, but I could change my attitude and my approach. I became tired of feeling like I was living the same experiences over and over again, and like Groundhog Day or Christmas Every Day, I finally decided that I was going to get it right. I really had no desire to still be teaching 8th grade English at the start of this school year, but when I realized that was my reality, I made the decision that I was going to do it better than I ever had before, that I was going to be everything the students, teachers, parents, and administration needed me to be. I was perfectly content with following that path the rest of the year when the trajectory of my school year (and quite likely my career and my entire life) was altered in September. I was given the unique opportunity to leave the classroom mid-year and assume a leadership position over the very team and very students I was already teaching. These opportunities don't grow on trees, so regardless of whether I believed myself ready for the position, my time was now. I will be completely transparent in admitting that it has been an immense adjustment. Every time I feel like I'm getting the hang of it, there's new drama or another student is suspended! I know I need to be patient with myself, but as someone who expects to excel quickly, I get frustrated that I don't feel like I'm good at this role yet. 

This year, I was able to purchase my dream car, the Chrysler 300. I know there are less tangible ways to feel as though you've "made it", but for me, it was the tangible culmination of a very long road to get to where I am. About three weeks ago, I was in a car accident while taking a coworker home from work when another vehicle ran a red light at over 50 mph. The car was totaled in the process and my coworker suffered some injuries. As devastated as I was in that moment, I also had this sense of relief knowing how fortunate we were. A difference of milliseconds could have resulted in catastrophic harm. I was also blessed to have car insurance with a company that works quickly, and two days ago I was able to replace my 300 with another brand new 300 -- this time with a sunroof! This experience sort of summed up not only my year but also the last few years of my life. Setbacks are inevitable, but 1) they often could be much worse than they are, and 2) at the end of the day, you wind back up right where you are supposed to be.  

What's Next? This year has brought opportunities and experiences that I never believed were in the cards for me. How do I follow that up? Honestly, I have no clue. At this point, I simply hope to keep the mindset of embracing what is in front of me and keeping an open mind and heart to whatever may pop up. Thank you for being on this journey with me.

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