Friday, January 5, 2018

2018: Continue the Ascent

By this point I am well aware that the beginning of a year does not possess any amount of magical powers that empower humanity to miraculously reach goals that were previously unattained. However, what a new year does do is provide both a figurative and literal fresh start and blank canvas upon which we can paint our year in the image we have envisioned for ourselves. While I do not necessarily make New Year’s resolutions, I do believe it is important to enter into a new year with a plan of action.

2017 was productive in many ways but painful in many others. I do feel that ultimately I progressed upward in my trajectory, but there is still work to be done. While thinking about what I ultimately want to accomplish in 2018, it was important that I was realistic with myself and did not make promises that I could not keep. For example, I could promise to write 30 posts in 2018, but the reality is that unless there is 30 posts worth of inspiration (of which I have no guarantee that there will be), it would a futile and frustrating endeavor. I cannot set goals that require actions from other individuals. I am only responsible for myself. That said, there is a great deal that I wish to accomplish in 2018. Here are some of the major highlights.

Complete at least 27 more hours of coursework in my doctoral program with at least a 3.9 GPA

To this point I have progressed well through the program. I have completed 7 credit hours and am about to receive credit for an additional 12 hours as a result of work I did while pursuing my master’s degree. I am no longer at the bottom of the mountain, but there is a long journey before I ascend to the peak. I am on track to complete a significant portion of that journey in 2018, and I have high standards for myself. Ultimately, I would love to maintain my 4.0 GPA, but I do not want to focus so hard on the grade that I neglect to totally immerse myself with the content. I want to succeed. I believe I will succeed. I just have to continue to do the work.

Strictly adhere to a daily schedule

I have personal, professional, educational, and physical goals. Sometimes it feels as though there are not enough hours in the day to attack all of these goals. To combat these feelings, I have comprised a daily schedule for myself that allows for each of these goals to be addressed. I was very good at maintaining a rigorous workout schedule during the first quarter of 2017, but as stress and disappointment began to pile up, I got off track. I am not going to allow myself to get off track in 2018. Once I fully adapt to having this daily routine, I believe I will be able to devote both the time and effort needed to relentlessly attack my goals.

Minimize processed sugar intake
Again, this was something that I excelled in maintaining during the first quarter of 2017. When life got tough, I sought out comfort in sugar. That is simply not going to be acceptable in 2017. I do not need soft drinks, energy drinks, or candy. Yes, some exceptions can be made during holidays, but not to the point that an entire diet can be thrown off.

Continue to seek out innovative ways of reaching students without losing what makes me special
Education is challenging because it is such a dynamic field. What’s new will become old, and what’s old will become new again. There is very little patience in seeing programs or initiatives through to the very end. As such, it can be very difficult as a teacher to accomplish the things you wish to accomplish whilst simultaneously appeasing the school or district higher-ups. It is my sincerest hope that I can balance the two (occasionally seemingly opposing) forces in a manner that still engages the student and allows me to still be me. Quite often this seems like a major conundrum, but I am confident that I can make it work.

Continue to find and develop the strength within
Life without Myrna as a regular stabilizing and balancing presence has been admittedly difficult, but what it has taught me is that I cannot rely on others to be my strength, my motivation, or my catalyst. I have to accomplish my goals and objectives through my own drive, determination, and strength. Yes, family and friends can provide support along the way, but the person getting things done for Jakob has to be Jakob. When she does return to having a regular presence in my life, I want to be strong enough to be able to do things and not come across as so needy. I’ve made a significant amount of headway in this regard. I must continue my ascent.
The goals I have for myself in 2018 are not new or unfamiliar. Much of the foundation has already been laid by the work I have done over the course of the past year. It will not be easy, but I’m moving in the right direction and already know the route I need to get to where I want to be. I look forward to continuing the ascent.

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