Wednesday, April 3, 2013

26 Things I Want to Accomplish as a 26 Year Old

My life is better when I have goals in mind. If I don’t, not only do I not have anything to look forward to (which I know is a personally dangerous thing for me), but I also feel like I am wandering aimlessly. Some of them will be more challenging, while others will be a bit more whimsical. Nonetheless, in no particular order, these are the things I want 26 year old Jakob Duehr to accomplish.

1. Complete another marathon. Have enough energy to finish as strong as I start.
2. Run a sub-5:30 mile.
3. Attend another Seahawks game.
4. Attend a concert of some sort.
5. Make at least 3 new friends.
6. Go on at least 4 dates with the same person.
7. Get another tattoo.
8. Launch two new websites.
9. Start on a Masters program.
10. Continue to improve as a teacher.
11. Travel to at least two states I have never travelled to previously.
12. Reach out to old friends more often.
13. Learn how to cook a full meal.
14. Take fewer things personally.
15. Hang out in person with at least one online friend.
16. Drink more water.
17. Attend a WWE event.
18. Get tweeted at by at least 5 celebrities.
19. Complete a 5k race in less than 20 minutes.
20. Receive a medal for my age group in a 5k race.
21. Eradicate my fear of failure and rejection.
22. Limit my use of sarcasm.
23. Wear my red pants in public.
24. Write at least one chapter of a book.
25. Focus more on the present than the past or future.
26. Be better.

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