Tuesday, April 2, 2013

25 Firsts as a 25 Year Old

25 Firsts as a 25 Year Old

The past year was a very long year. I feel like I aged 10 years in 365 days. It wasn’t that the year was bad, but it was quite draining. I accomplished a number of things, and many of them were first time occurrences. I’ll have a couple other birthday related posts soon, but here are 25 things I did for the first time while a 25 year old.

1. Completed a marathon
2. Ran a sub-6 minute mile
3. Finished in the top 100 of a 900 person race
4. Went on a vacation by myself
5. Travelled west of the Central Time Zone
6. Set foot on an NFL field
7. Attended an NFL game (in a different stadium than the field I walked on)
8. Broke up a fight singlehandedly.
9. Obtained first full-time teaching job
10. Was laid off from a job
11. Was brought back for said job within 24 hours
12. Asked out a coworker
13. Met people from GameFAQs
14. Spent time with Stickam friends in person
15. Interviewed for a job via webcam
16. Got the best vocal score in the world on a song on Rock Band
17. Viewed Seattle from the top of the Space Needle
18. Won a contest held by a band
19. Was punched so hard by Buttons that she drew blood
20. Climbed the highest “peak” of Illinois
21. Ate doughnuts in Portland, Oregon
22. Spent the entirety of my time as a 25 year old WITHOUT seeing two of my closest friends
23. Coordinated a class presentation for an assembly
24. Dunked a basketball while wearing dress clothes
25. Felt old

Now I know some of these things were ridiculous, but they were firsts. Not all first time events have to be profound. Some of these events likely will never happen again. Some hopefully will. Stay tuned to see what I hope to accomplish as a 26 year old.

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