This will be the first of three "End of 2012"-themed posts. It's been quite a year, and while I will get into greater detail later, it is time to assess how well I did in attacking my 2012 checklist. If any of this post reads like a HumbleBrag, that is not my intent. It is merely an evaluation and an indication of the effect of hard work on achieving goals.
Going into 2012, I had a number of goals. Most of them were posted in the 2012: Let NOTHING Stand in Your Way, but some were posted elsewhere. For the benefit of you, I'll re-post all my goals as well as the success I did or did not have in accomplishing them.
• Run at least 1000 miles over the course of the year.
Running replaced the elliptical as my preferred cardio workout. Though I had some foot problems for the majority of the summer, I was able to push through and achieve this goal. Of course, this goal was fairly easy because it went hand in hand with another goal. Goal Status: Mission accomplished.
• Run a marathon.
In January, I decided to accept the challenge of running a marathon, despite only having run for about a month before that. I liked the idea of a high-scale, long-term tangible goal that I was working towards every day. By May, I was ready to run a marathon. The last six miles were exponentially more difficult than the first twenty miles, but I completed a marathon. Goal Status: Mission accomplished.
• Continue work on getting the abdominal six pack.
I am very close to achieving this goal. This was more of a secondary goal than a primary goal. I am proud of the work I accomplished on this end as well as all of the physical goals for the year. Goal Status: In progress
• Become a more patient driver.
I still like to get to places when in my own time, but I have improved in my goal of feeling less frustrated whilst driving. Definitely a win. Goal Status: Mission accomplished.
• Figure out my professional life in the moderate-term.
I traded two part time teaching jobs for one full time teaching jobs. Is it where I imagined I'd be? No, but I don't have to sleep with the uncertainty of whether not I will be working the next day. Every day is an adventure, but I know what to expect. Goal Status: Mission accomplished.
• Take a vacation.
After running the marathon, I rewarded myself with a trip to Seattle, with a day spent in Portland, Oregon, as well. Though the trip had a rough start, it was nice to get away and see some friends. Goal Status: Mission accomplished.
• Meet Jannelle.
After three years, she was indisputably on the top of my "To Meet" list. It finally happened, and I am happy for that. Goal Status: Mission accomplished.
• Cut down on the use of social networking.
I no longer have a Twitter. I use Facebook primarily for messaging/posting mildly humorous daily observations (and largely stayed off the site during the entire election). My presence on Stickam has greatly diminished. Did what I set out to do. Goal Status: Mission accomplished.
• Expand my writing kingdom.
I did not accomplish this secondary goal. As busy as I have been with my classroom, I had to prioritize. Ultimately I would like to eventually get another site or two up and running, but that is a want and not a need. It will happen. Just give it time. Goal Status: In progress
I had a number of things I wanted to do this year. If you were to have asked me about them in January, I honestly would not have expected to accomplish all that I did. But if there's one thing I learned this year, it is that hard work breeds success, and success provides the impetus to keep working hard. It's a constant and sustainable cycle for positive results.
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