Sunday, June 10, 2012

I Am NOT Who I Thought I Was

So I’ve already written about the details about my trip: the highs and lows, the places, the people, the experience. But that was truly only a small portion of what happened during the trip. It was the first time I had ever travelled alone in my life, and it taught me a great number of things about myself. Some of those things were good; some were not. I thought I would share some of these discoveries with you.

• I do not know nearly as much about myself as I thought I did.
• I am not nearly as introverted as I thought. I have long thought I could both survive and thrive in solitude, but that simply is not the case. I felt lonely most of the time, and the highlights of the trip occurred when I was with other people.
• I am also a lot more emotional than I even let on to myself. I think I’ve been hurt/disappointed/etc. too many times that I even shut myself off to myself. I need to work on opening up.
• I need to do a better job of appreciating the people in my life, or at least showing them that I appreciate them. I saw a number of people on this trip who were great to me, not to mention have a family who did everything they could to help me get my luggage back.
• I need to be more enthusiastic. Sure, I am not where I want to be, but I don’t have to be completely miserable while I wait for my happy ending. Having the right attitude is a necessity moving forward. I need to be enthusiastic, professional, and hard-working.
• I think too highly of myself in the some areas and am too hard on myself in others. I really need balance, and I need to appreciate myself not only for where I want to be but also for who I am at this point in time. It is good to have goals, but I can’t look down on myself until I get there.
• I need to put myself out more. One of the best parts of the trip was when I was out to dinner with Jon and ZB. I commented to Jon about how I was envious of the numerous meaningful connections he has made, and he told me that these connections primarily happened thanks to putting himself out there. I have realized that I’m really not that bad when I make an effort to connect with people, but I haven’t done that good of a job making an effort. I need to put the past aside and do a better job moving forward.
• If it’s not the right time to do something, don’t do it. Sometimes I make too much of a big deal in my head about making my move, blah blah blah. If it’s not the right time, it’s not going to work. Patience is rarely enjoyable, but it is often necessary.
• From this point on, if I’m known for one thing, I want it to be for how hard I work. If I’m known for two things, I want it to be for my persistence/determination even when the odds are not in my favor.
• I need to do a better job of maximizing my gifts/skillset. I could be doing a lot more.
• I want to live a little, save a lot, and be as generous as possible with what I am given.
• For the first time in quite some time, I not only have an idea of where I want to be in my life, but also how I want to improve as a person. Though this trip was difficult and lonely at times, it can ultimately be considered a success.

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