Monday, January 9, 2012

The Ultimate Test of Body and Mind (Yes, I'm really running a marathon)

As I have said countless times, I like to set very high goals for myself. The sense of accomplishment is that much greater, and the pursuit of the goal is much more enjoyable and exhilarating. It’s about time to officially (though many of you know this already) announce the top item on my 2012 To-Do List.

In the last few months I have gotten myself into excellent shape. I eat better, but more importantly I exercise like it’s going out of style. I hit the gym anywhere between five and seven days a week. The majority of my exercising is of the cardiovascular variety. When I lost weight in 2008 (and again in late 2011), I did it primarily through the use of the elliptical. Towards the end of 2011, I began to get bored with the elliptical, so I finally gave running a try. I was surprised to find out that I was actually pretty good at the whole running thing, so I kept it up.

When I began to lose weight again, my dad jokingly invited my sister (a top-class sprinter in her day) and me to run a marathon in spring. Heidi isn’t much for long-distance running and her work schedule is pretty hectic, so she quickly bowed out. I, however gave it some thought.

The more I thought about it, the more I embraced the idea. I am going to be 25 in spring. It’s about time I start doing some amazing things. I’ve accomplished some decent things in my time, but nothing quite to this level. I’ve gotten myself in excellent physical condition. I might as well put that to good use.

Starting at the end of this month, I will be officially starting my marathon training. I even got new running shoes today! The race is the first weekend of May. At this point I can run 8 miles without any discomfort. I look forward to the challenge of working my way up to 26.2 miles. It is the ultimate test of body and mind, and I am excited to achieve this goal. This is my time. I will let nothing stand in my way.

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