Saturday, December 24, 2011

Life as an Outsider

You've probably noticed that this blog is generally free of things having to do with religion or politics. That is by design. While I believe many things, I do not feel it is my place to thrust those beliefs at you. Whether I agree with your viewpoints or not, one of the perks of being human is having the nature to choose what is best for you. That said, it is minutes away from being Christmas here in Illinois, and I do subscribe to my own brand of nontraditional Christian ideology. Therefore, I'm going to bring up Jesus in a paragraph or two. If you don't like it, I'll have another post up tomorrow night. You can just check that one.

A common thread concerning the life and ministry of Jesus was that He was an outsider. This began at birth. There was no room at the inn, so even the childbirth was done as an outsider. During His life and ministry, He hung out with the outcasts and was considered a heretic by members of the religious community. None of that ever adversely affected the ministry. If anything it strengthened the appeal.

If you look at many of the people who have changed the world, one commonality is that they weren't the type that would easily fit in. That doesn't mean that they were social outcasts or total misfits. It is a side effect of being exceptional.

I don't know if I will ever change the world. I have not been blessed with that foresight. I do know that for most (if not all) of my life I have felt like an outsider. No matter where I was, I never felt like I quite fit in. For years, it ate at me. I'd be constantly changing myself trying to feel like I belonged. It never worked. In fact, it only made me feel worse. Only when I accepted the fact I was an outsider did I begin to enjoy life.

Being an outsider really isn't a bad thing. Being different is what makes you stand out. At times it may feel lonely, but if it was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me.

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