It has become a bit of a tradition to me to (virtually) parade out on the fourteenth of February to whine and moan about a certain holiday that occurs on that day. While those entries have ranged from humorous and self-effacing to borderline pathetic, this year is (hopefully) going to be different.
It has taken me almost 24 years (and almost as many failed pursuits/relationships) to realize this truly is just another day. Across the internet I see the majority of people generally falling into one of two major camps. There are the love struck, who think every day and everything about their significant other is the GREATEST THING IN THE HISTORY OF EVER~! The other group is the polar opposite of this group. They bitterly look upon this day with a sense of disdain and loathe the smitten saps. I have something to say to both groups.
First, to the bitter masses, I have been one of you. That said, if there is one thing that I have learned in the past year, bitterness is not productive. Let the dogs have their day. That’s all it is: one day. If you are unhappy with your singularity, take solace in your refusal to settle. Quite often, that which we desire is not readily available to us. Sometimes it takes work. Other times, it takes openness and being in the right place at the right time. Just stop being bitter.
To the “smitten saps” (and I say that with the utmost love, of course), enjoy what you have. Cherish what you have. Soak it all in. Please, take two pieces of advice from me. One, enjoy what you have without rubbing it in the faces of the have-nots. As I wrote in a piece a year ago, there is a dignified way to deal with one’s successes. Be cognizant of your own actions, and do your best not to make others uncomfortable or hurt. Second, enjoy what you have for as long as you have it. Sadly, not all love lasts forever. That doesn’t mean that it wasn’t truly love; some love merely has a longer shelf life than others. Enjoy every moment you do have like it could all be gone in the morning.
In closing, I’d like to get back to myself a little. While a year ago at this time I thought I would have a significant other on February 14, 2011, that is not the case. It does not bother me because at this point it is not something I need. If it did not bother me on February 13 (and it didn’t), then there is no reason to be bothered on February 14. To those who make this day a big deal, I hope you have the greatest of days. To me, it’s just another day.
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