Friday, December 31, 2010

Apparently Unprepared to Succeed

As far as my goals for 2010 went, it was a mixed bag. There were some successes, but as far as the greatest goals, there were a lot of failures. Here’s a rundown.

Physical Goals
-Get an abdominal six-pack. Were it not been for my own lack of drive I would already have been there. *FAILED*
-Continue in the workout I’ve established for myself. My original beginner’s workout brought me a long way, but it is time to take it to the next level. I feel and look like a winner at this point, but I want to feel and look like a champion. *Completed*
-333 push-ups in one sitting. Like my crunches goal, some would think this is ridiculous, but I don’t like aiming low. I hate hollow victories. *FAILED. I lost interest and only got up to 125 or so.*

Maturity/Adulthood Goals
Since I am now a college graduate soon to live on my own, I need to increase my self-sufficiency. As such, there are some things I need to learn how to do.

-Take responsibility and live with consequences. The time for having cake and eating it too has passed. *Completed, to a degree. Not an A+. Probably more of a C.*
-Become a better cook. I can boil water and put stuff in the oven and microwave. I'd like to be able to have one go-to meal so that I can impress my friends, family, and future significant other with my culinary skills. *Incomplete. I have knowledge, but have yet to put it into practice*

Professional Goal

-Obtain a full-time teaching job. I am much closer than where I was at this time last year, but I need to press on until the goal is reached. *FAILED*

Social Goals
-Make three new friends. You can never have too many friends. I met this goal last year, but social worlds should be ever-expanding. *Completed. Out of all my goals, this one was probably the one I did best with.*

Appearance Goals
-Add another tattoo or get the labret pierced (which has always been an interest of mine) while maintaining the professionalism required of a rookie teacher. While obviously not a “need”, it would be fun. Actually, I think I’ll get another tattoo once I get a teaching position (in a concealed location on the arms/shoulders of course). *FAILED*

Dating Goals
-Have one fulfilling dating relationship. I know what works and I know what doesn’t work. I also have a better handle on what I do and do not want. If the right situation comes along, it’s time to make it happen. *Completed. Had a bit of a “complicated” relationship that didn’t really go where I wanted it to go. You live and learn.*

Personality Goals
-Have patience with people. I get annoyed rather easily. I am not perfect; ergo I can not expect perfection. *Completed, though there is still work to be done*
-Maintain balance. I often am either too driven or lack drive. Balance is one of life’s two necessities. Time for me to make it happen. *FAILED*

Philosophical Goals
-Complete development of my worldview. I am in the process of composing the components for my belief system to better explain it when asked by others. Once I've completed it, I'll probably be better equipped to live it. *FAILED, though I am working on this and will finish it soon*
-Complete 25 blogs, essays, or small writings. Not all of them will be extremely heavy, but it always feels good for me to share what I have learned through my life experiences. *Completed with flying colors*

Miscellaneous Goals and Achievements
-Take a camping trip. I have the physical capacity to camp now and am no longer afraid of the outdoors. I wimped out on too many things during my teen years. It is time to live. *FAILED*
-Do something (legal) that no one would ever expect me to do. The days of being predictable and vanilla are over. Only good will happen. *Completed*

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