Here are my ratings of a bunch of different things in 2010. You likely won't agree, but this will give you a better glimpse into my mind and my own personal pop culture.
5. Invented, Jimmy Eat World
4. Hear Me Now, Secondhand Serenade
3. Dark is the Way, Light is a Place, Anberlin
2. Habits, Neon Trees
1. Only Every Time, The Graduate
Bands That I Had Never Heard Of
5. The Wedding
4. The Getaway Plan
3. Neon Trees
2. Mumford and Sons
1. The Graduate (seriously, did you expect me to put anything else?)
5. Notbroken, Goo Goo Dolls
4. Holiday, Vampire Weekend
3. Nightmares, Secondhand Serenade
2. Stuck (Inside My Head), The Graduate
1. Sins of My Youth, Neon Trees
TV Shows
5. NCIS: Los Angeles
4. House
3. NCIS*
2. Psych
1. White Collar
*While NCIS is still my favorite television show, I felt that a lot of episodes were filler and that Season 7 as a whole was disappointing. I still expect big things from the show in 2011.
Sports Moments
5. Butler’s run through the NCAA Tournament
4. DeSean Jackson’s punt return vs. the Giants
3. Tracy Porter’s interception of Peyton Manning
2. The Blackhawks’ Stanley Cup victory
1. Scottie Pippen’s induction into the Basketball Hall of Fame
5. A World of Words
4. Hire Jakob Duehr
3. Yahoo! Sports
2. Stickam
1. Facebook
Personal Moments
5. Meeting up with Hoover at Woodfield
4. Watching WrestleMania XXVI with my uncle and aunt
3. The love and affection I received on my birthday
2. Seeing The Graduate in concert with Dan
1. The various opportunities to see my closest friends during the holidays
Favorite Classes to Sub
5. Ms. Godfrey, Language Arts, Century
4. Mr. Ruppert, Health, OJ
3. Mr. Carriel, 5th Grade, Meadow Ridge
2. Mrs. Mena, Communications, Century
1. Mrs. Stiehr, 5th Grade, High Point
I was linked to your Graduate open letter by them on Twitter and then looked at this list and couldn't help but notice your favorite album of the year was Only Every Way. Might want to change that ;).
Haha, thanks for the heads up. I had accidentally copy/pasted the Anberlin album twice, and when I went to undo and put OET in its place, I left one word in. Fixed now.
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