Even in difficult years such as this, it would be foolish not to take the opportunity to show gratitude for the good things. Just as a broken clock is right twice a day, life's clouds are full of silver linings. Cliches aside, this is my 24th Thanksgiving. In no particular order, here are the things about my life for which I truly am grateful.
1. The new friends I have made this calendar year
2. The old friends who never really seem that far away
3. Buttons, my cat
4. Family to rejoice with in the peaks and be comforted by in the valleys
5. The fact the Seahawks are still in first in the NFC West
6. The idea that with a little time and a lot of effort, relationships can be mended
7. Twitter, which has opened a world of communication for me with WWE superstars
8. Slurpees, Slim Jims, and Combos
9. The music of The Graduate
10. The ability to not take myself too seriously
11. The "Is it worth it?" Test (which will be the subject of my next blog)
12. The opportunity to be that much better today than I was yesterday
13. Cardinal Fitness, even though their own personal radio station is subpar
14. My glorious beard
15. The use of the word "glorious"
16. Traditions that both amuse and entertain me
17. The knowledge that nobody has ever truly given up on me
18. The hope that things will eventually turn for the better (it's what keeps me a Cubs fan)
19. The ability to have a platform for expression that isn't forced upon an audience
20. My dependable vehicle
21. The lessons I learned at Richards and continue to learn at District 135
22. Memories of 2003 and 2004
23. The confidence that arrived in 2008 with the loss of weight
24. You. Seriously, if you are taking the time to read this, I hope you know that in one way or another, you are important to me. While I am desiring more in my life, I am truly thankful for what I do have. Thank you for being part of that.