Monday, August 30, 2010


When I was swimming at my grandparents' glorious pool, I saw a remarkable thing. There was this spider scaling the edge of the pool. Not a fan of spiders, I tried to splash some water on it to get it away. My big hands produced enough of a tidal wave that it knocked the spider into the water. Almost immediately it was back to scaling the wall, so I splashed again. Again, it made it back to the wall. This continued a few more times until I decided to let it go. By that point, however, the waves continued to knock the spider back into the water, but the spider still kept going. After a good five minutes of fighting and two legs lost, the spider lost its fight and its life.

It was a remarkable thing to watch and it got me thinking. We need to be like this. We need to fight until we are literally incapable of continuing, to give until our legs fall off or our heart caves in. Sometimes our all won't be enough, but that is no excuse. We will never know how much we can give until we have given it all. Sure, some battles may be losing battles, but we must persevere. We must keep going. Hypomonē.


Jen said...

I don't know you at all, but i love your post. I googled hypomonē because I am trying to find out more information behind this beautiful word, and I stumbled upon your blog entry. I love it and it depicts a great picture. Thanks for sharing it with the world :)

Greg said...

Great story and insightful illustration- Thanks for sharing!