Sunday, April 4, 2010


This one will be quick, I promise.

As I write this, I am finishing up my journey as a 22 year old. Likely I will have turned 23 by the time many of you give this a read. I thought back on the year I spent at 22, and it was honestly quite a difficult one. Things quite often did not happen when I wanted them to happen, nor did they even go the way they wanted then to go. For my year as a 23 year old, I’m dreaming big. I am not lowering my goals or standards for the sake of a hollow victory. I have purposed to live my life though the 4 P’s.

Patient: Rome was not built in a day. I can not expect things to happen strictly because I desire them to be such. Most good things take time. By rushing, I run the risk of ruining. Things will happen when they are supposed to happen. If they don’t happen, they weren’t meant to be.
Prepared: Be prepared for anything and everything. Be ready to succeed. Treat every day like it is going to be the day everything falls into place. One day, it will be that day.
Proactive: As I said before, things do not happen strictly due to desire. Action needs to follow. The best way to ensure things will go the way I want them to is by putting myself in a position to succeed. Being proactive is a must.
Positive: While not a complete necessity, positivity is a much better weapon to have in one’s arsenal than negativity. There is no reason not to believe.

For those expecting a long blog, trust me, more of those will be coming. I expect big things in my year as a 23 year old. For those who have been a help to me in my journey, thanks for getting me this far. We’re almost there.

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