Friday, January 29, 2010

Confidence and Ability

For quite some time I have wanted to write about confidence and ability. Finally, I am going to take the time to do it.

At an initial glance these two things may seem only peripherally related, but I believe there is a strong correlation between the two. If there is an abundance of one but a shortage of the other, it can contribute to failure. A shortage of both leads to failure as well. Let me delve into further detail.

Having the ability to do something is extremely important, but it is equally important to possess confidence in these abilities. Humility is always a good thing, but ability without the necessary confidence is timidity. A great basketball shooter is only as good as his confidence to take the next shot. He may possess all the ability in the world, but until he puts confidence in that ability, it sits idly. By lacking the confidence to try, you immediately fail.

Confidence unfortunately gets a bad rap. In and of itself it is not a bad thing. However, a significant discrepancy between confidence and ability leads to cockiness, arrogance, whatever you wish to call it. Talking a big game does not lead to immediate failure. It is obnoxious, but it does not cause “instafail”. In fact, the cocky prey on the less confident, getting them to back down. This leads to even greater confidence inflation. It does, thankfully, lead to eventual failure. There is always someone better out there, and even if one is the greatest at something, greatness is fleeting. Trusting confidence over ability, simply put, gradually builds to catastrophic failure.

It would be foolish to eschew confidence. The key to the greatest success is balance. If one is novice or unskilled in a particular area it is best to possess confidence commensurate to ability. Likewise, if one does possess a significant amount of ability, it is appropriate to possess confidence to match the skill set. We will not always be the best in the world at what we do, but we won’t be the worst, either. The key to maximizing success is to be cognizant of one’s abilities and to subsequently balance it with matching confidence. To summarize, look at these equations.

Ability > Confidence = Timidity = Instant Failure
Ability < Confidence = Arrogance = Eventual Failure
Ability = Confidence = GREAT SUCCESS!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Prepared to Succeed

For those of you keeping score, last year felt like it was incomplete. Things did not go as I had hoped for the most part. I put a lot on my plate, and I was unsuccessful in completing all of them. I now have two choices. I can and give up, or I get back on the saddle and attack these things with the fervor I had at the beginning of 2009. Just because a goal was not completed in my original timetable does not mean that it should be forever discarded. That said, these are the goals which I fully intend to complete this calendar year. Some are leftovers from 2009 while others are more recently conceived goals. For the sake of convenience I’ll keep them categorized as I had last year.

Physical Goals
-Get an abdominal six-pack. Were it not been for my own lack of drive I would already have been there.
-Continue in the workout I’ve established for myself. My original beginner’s workout brought me a long way, but it is time to take it to the next level. I feel and look like a winner at this point, but I want to feel and look like a champion.
-333 push-ups in one sitting. Like my crunches goal, some would think this is ridiculous, but I don’t like aiming low. I hate hollow victories

Maturity/Adulthood Goals
Since I am now a college graduate soon to live on my own, I need to increase my self-sufficiency. As such, there are some things I need to learn how to do.

-Take responsibility and live with consequences. The time for having cake and eating it too has passed.
-Become a better cook. I can boil water and put stuff in the oven and microwave. I'd like to be able to have one go-to meal so that I can impress my friends, family, and future significant other with my culinary skills.

Professional Goal
-Obtain a full-time teaching job. I am much closer than where I was at this time last year, but I need to press on until the goal is reached.

Social Goals
-Make three new friends. You can never have too many friends. I met this goal last year, but social worlds should be ever-expanding.

Appearance Goals
-Add another tattoo or get the labret pierced (which has always been an interest of mine) while maintaining the professionalism required of a rookie teacher. While obviously not a “need”, it would be fun. Actually, I think I’ll get another tattoo once I get a teaching position (in a concealed location on the arms/shoulders of course).

Dating Goals
-Have one fulfilling dating relationship. I know what works and I know what doesn’t work. I also have a better handle on what I do and do not want. If the right situation comes along, it’s time to make it happen.

Personality Goals
-Have patience with people. I get annoyed rather easily. I am not perfect; ergo I can not expect perfection.
-Maintain balance. I often am either too driven or lack drive. Balance is one of life’s two necessities. Time for me to make it happen.

Philosophical Goals
-Complete development of my worldview. I am in the process of composing the components for my belief system to better explain it when asked by others. Once I've completed it, I'll probably be better equipped to live it.
-Complete 25 blogs, essays, or small writings. Not all of them will be extremely heavy, but it always feels good for me to share what I have learned through my life experiences.

Miscellaneous Goals and Achievements
-Take a camping trip. I have the physical capacity to camp now and am no longer afraid of the outdoors. I wimped out on too many things during my teen years. It is time to live.
-Do something (legal) that no one would ever expect me to do. The days of being predictable and vanilla are over. Only good will happen.

Again, I have a fair share on my plate. There is a fair chance not all of it will be accomplished. I do not fear that. Failure does not faze me. I lived through the trials of 2009 to make it to this point. Now, more than ever, I am prepared to succeed.