Thursday, January 8, 2009

Resolve, Fortitude, Honor

I have an astonishingly good track record of keeping my New Year's Resolutions. In 2003, I learned how to do the Worm. In 2007, I completed six of the seven steps for self-optimization, and the only one I did not complete (bring weight to below 190 pounds) became my resolution for 2008. That goal was shattered by over 20 pounds by my 61 pound weight loss.

Based on that high degree of success, I have decided to go on the attack this year. Simply making one resolution or setting one goal for 2009 is just not appropriate. Therefore, I have decided to make resolutions in nine different areas of my life. I have taken these nine areas and made at least one goal in each area. Without further ado, these are my goals for 2009.

Physical Goals
-Possess the ability to complete 10,000 crunches in one sitting. At this point I am able to do 3,500 crunches, so I am getting there. It is a test of fortitude and resolve, but should I complete it, I probably will be well on my way to my next goal.
-Get an abdominal six-pack. I am so much closer to that than I was nine months ago, but there is still some work to be done.
-If I achieve success in both those areas with a sufficient amount of time remaining in the year, I will add the goal of 333 push-ups in one sitting.

Maturity/Adulthood Goals
Since I am now a college graduate soon to live on my own, I need to increase my self-sufficiency. As such, there are some things I need to learn how to do.

-Learn how to do my laundry. Yes, I have much to learn in this area.
-Become more proactive in keeping my space clean.
-Become a better cook. I can boil water and put stuff in the oven and microwave. I'd like to be able to have one go-to meal so that I can impress my friends, family, and future significant other with my culinary skills.

Professional Goal
-Attain a full-time teaching job. I have a degree; it is time to use it. It's as simple as that.

Social Goals
-Maintain the friendships I have. I have been blessed to have been surrounded by some absolutely amazing people. It is my job to ensure things stay that way.
-Make five new friends. You can never have too many friends. It is time to expand my friendly horizons by adding at least five friends. Only two of them can be met via the internet or other electronic means (I have met one so far).

Appearance Goals
-Continue to find myself in how I present myself. I've branched out and started to dress more "me" instead of how I thought I was supposed to dress.
-Add another tattoo or get the labret pierced (which has always been an interest of mine) while maintaining the professionalism required of a rookie teacher.

Dating Goals
-Have one fulfilling dating relationship. I would definitely enjoy having a young lady to spend my time with who has the ability to make me happy and complement my strengths and weaknesses. Distance is not an issue; the ability to connect is.
-Change the way I've gone about dating in the past. Scale down the intensity other than when necessary. Take each day at a time, and walk away before making a fool out of myself by overreacting. Make use of every opportunity to let her know how amazing she is without giving an illusion of objectification.

Personality Goals
-Minimize fear of failure. Leave no stone unturned in terms of life and its risks. You never know unless you try.
-Learn how to effectively use sarcasm. I tend to overdo it and hurt feelings. I am going to do my best to be more caring.

Philosophical Goals
-Complete development of "Relevant Christianity" worldview. I am in the process of composing the components for my belief system to better explain it when asked by others. Once I've completed it, I'll probably be better equipped to live it.
-Read three books of a philosophical or metaphysical theme. Actually, I plan on reading one classic philosophical work, one modern philosophical work, and one metaphysical work. Whether I end up agreeing with what I read is irrelevant. It is just a way to broaden my horizons.

Miscellaneous Goals and Achievements
-Go on a road trip. I've been dreaming up a road trip to go with one of my buddies on that will take us down the East Coast. It would be amazing if it happened. I just need to get out of Illinois, as I have not departed the state in nearly five years.
-Take a camping trip. This is unrelated to the road trip. I have the physical capacity to camp now and am no longer afraid of the outdoors. I wimped out on too many things during my teen years. It is time to live.
-If I have a [specific] girlfriend, take her on the Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier in Chicago. If I don't have said g/f, this goal is irrelevant. However, if I do, this is a must.

I am putting a lot on my plate this year. I know it. I'm a big boy now. II can only succeed as high as I aim. I will keep you updated on the status of my goals throughout the year. For once in my life, I am not afraid to live. Here's a line from one of my favorite songs.

I will breathe in and know what it feels to feel alive. I'm alive.
-Day at the Fair, "Monday Morning"

2009: Failure is Not an Option

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