Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Per my usual, 2008 in review

Alright, so this year is coming to a merciful close. There wasn't a hugely compelling reason to hate the year, but for the most part I definitely didn't enjoy it. In fact, as far as this decade goes, the only year I liked less was 2005. It's not to say this year didn't have its moments, but the good things took a lot of work. Well, with all that said, here it goes. It won't be as detailed as in previous years because there's honestly a lot I've forgotten.

January: Started the year off with my guys. It was a good time. Went down to Champaign to watch the Royal Rumble. New semester. Big fight with a girl.

February: I was working at Target the day the Lane Bryant shooting happened across the lot. Scary stuff. Also started observations at Lincoln-Way Central.

March: Surprise early birthday party. Resolved the fight of January. Student teaching placement bounced from school to school

April: 21st Birthday. Being straightedge I did not partake in any drinking. Give me snide comments if you wish. End of my last normal semester as a student.

May: Began weight loss. Got my first tattoo. Went to Cubs game and odd concert at O'Malley's. Started the month 230 pounds. Ended at 217.

June: Work actually started getting fun again. Fell out of favor with a friend. (Turned out it wasn't my fault) Continued weight loss. Ended month at 204 pounds.

July: My cousin got back from Europe. Fun times at the grandparents' pool. Retired from Target. Ended month at 188 pounds.

August: Student teaching at Richards began. Completed my 50 pounds of weight loss (I would go on to lose another 11 to end at 169 pounds, the lightest I've been since January 2002).

September: Got deeper into student teaching. Started connecting with the kids. Went to a wedding.

October: Intense student teaching. Kicked my rear to the point I was going to bed at 9:30.

November: Ended student teaching. The kids were amazing, and I absolutely miss them.

December: Waiting for my paperwork for graduation and certification to process. Got to see a lot of old friends. Possibly on the brink of some new things.

So all in all the year was tough. The glories of getting in shape and student teaching did not come without hard work and sacrifice. 2009 I know will bring a lot of changes. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't apprehensive, but I am anxious to get out of this year.

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