Heh, I didn't think my first blog of 2008 would be on this subject, but life tends to throw more than its share of surprises and bitter pills. It has been my tradition as the years have gone by to lament my romantic plights in the middle of February, and sadly, this year is no different.
They say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Well, I guess I'm insane. I have been experiencing the same mistakes over and over again for the last eight years, ever since I had my first real crush whom I met two days after Valentine's Day 2000.
Now, don't get me wrong... I've actually come a long way. I don't call people and hang up or have people bother other people via AIM anymore, but I am prone to blunder. My romantic mistakes generally come from one or more of these three areas:
1) I believe that the young lady is out of my league, and I begin to press, thinking that I have to do something big to gain her attention and affection. This never works, and I wind up falling flat on my face and looking like a creep.
2) I take a skewed view of reality and only choose to look at things in a favorable light for myself. I wind up telling everyone around these positive things, but they are so used to my quixotic views that the only person surprised at my eventual failure is myself.
3) I don't listen. For whatever reason, I tend to believe that I know exactly what ladies need, and I kill myself trying to provide this. More often than not I am providing the exact opposite of what she needs, and I continue to be so arrogant in my abilities that I obliviously sever all ties.
I thought things would be different this year, but it was not meant to be. In immediate retrospect, it looks like I just recently failed in all three of those areas. It's hard when you have to press so much for just a first chance.
So, I guess I'm at a crossroads. Do I utilize the familiar tried-and-failed formula yet again, or do I try something new? Something's got to give. Check back V-Day 2009 for the results.