2004 in Review (found from my old Xanga)
| Ok, here's the rundown of my year in review. January:
-Had a kicking New Year's party with all my closest friends.
-Won a medal in the area science festival while not knowing what I was doing at all
-Gave this one girl a note, only to have her friends threaten, slander, and mock me
-Bought aforementioned girl's best friend a rose for Turnabout (Sadie Hawkins) anonymously because she was the only one of her group of friends not receiving one
-Joined ACSB
-Dealt with the trifecta of pinkeye, a touch of strep, and a terrible cold simultaneously
-Went on retreat with youth group; settled monthlong feud
-Lost class election
-Turned 17
-Took ACT for first time
-Ended school
-Renewed acquaintances with a junior high friend
-Took econ. over summer school
-Volunteered at the school to get hours done for NHS
-Went to camp; saw the prize my eyes have been on for the past two and a half years
-Spoke again to one of good former friends who I had not spoken to all year purposely (now she is one of my best female friends)
-Worked registration at school; resolved differences with girl mentioned in January
-Began school
-Became infatuated with Olympics and enthralled by achievements of Carly Patterson
-Went to football games
-Turned metro in style of dress
-Let girls in my Spanish class put makeup on me
-Got grounded from internet
-Met girl that I may be interested in
-Talked to Jessica (from camp) on phone
-Gave girl from school my digits Each year I also rate my top ten girls, but this year I decided that there were only eight that I had an interest in. E-mail me if you wanna know the detailed results; all I'm saying is last year's winner repeated. |
am i ur 1 of 8?
I have no idea who you are. If you're Jessica O'Neil, yes, you were my #1 in 2004.
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