Sunday, October 7, 2007

I don't know how to give up hope

It's really strange. The Cubs lost last night, and I took it a lot better than I thought I was going to. Though they didn't go all the way, I knew that all will be well. And with the Seahawks looking to gain revenge on the Steelers and Randy Orton possibly winning the title tonight (I'm going to No Mercy tonight and super-excited), hope is prevalent and abundant. For whatever reason, I can't lose hope.

I had a very interesting conversation with my mom last night. She said "Most mothers wish for a perfect girls with no faults for their sons. But when you were very young, I felt something different. Something inside me knew that you were going to find a girl with hurts and pains who didn't necessarily always do everything right, but you were going to want to save her. You were going to let her know how special she is, and you would treat her like a princess for the rest of your lives. I still feel that is going to happen with you." Even one day later, that conversation amazes me.

We all live our lives today for the hope of tomorrow. Each day, we wake up hoping today is that tomorrow. Someday it will be. Until then, I can not relinquish hope.

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