Tuesday, January 2, 2007

The Seven-Headed Plan for Optimizing Myself

Hello, hello. It is time for my first blog of 2007, and I am extremely excited about it. While is it not a blog detailing my philosophies as promised, it still figures to be pretty neat. It's a good way to kick off the year.

While I do not necessarily believe in making New Year's Resolutions, I did decide to look at myself and try to determine how I could better myself this year. While I am far from perfect, I am advanced philosophically and mentally enough to recognize my current shortcomings and develop a plan of action. So, in honor of the year 2007, I have developed a seven-headed plan for optimizing myself.

Decide on a style and go with it.
While I have established a style of dress and manner, I have been known to fluctuate between various styles of facial hair. For this year, I have decided to stick with one style of facial hair in accordance with keeping one style everywhere else. How can an image be established under constant change?

De-emphasize the value of solitude.
While I have learned a great deal about myself, it's time to put my self-taught lessons into use. There's no better time but the present to get out there and show who I am.

Get below 190 pounds.
To be a leader, you must be able to show the way. A leader should have a recognizable physical presence and should be able to defend any and all followers from harm. At this point, I am far beyond where I should be and need to do something about it. And face it, while the Lord does look at the heart, we do tend to look at the outside. Therefore, I'm going to get back into 2004 shape.

Establish a connection with some sort of celebrity.
While this is the least important of the seven heads, it is the most important in globalizing. The networking possibilities should I establish a bond with someone with a broader audience are boundless.

Take more risks.
The only thing holding me back in my younger days was the lack of belief that I could do whatever I put my mind to. These days, the confidence is present. It's time to see results.

Let some things die.
I love the past. I really do. I think on some years of my life with such great joy and remembrance. However, I've held some grudges for a good long time. While it's not practical to forget, forgiveness is necessary. And who knows? Maybe some of my enemies of the past will become powerful allies of the present and future.

Establish some sort of balancing operator.
Every good leader has been put in check at some time. Should this be in the form of mentors, peers, or some sort of sidekick (be it a right hand man or love interest), there are times I need to be saved from myself. While I have had good intentions, I have been prone to self-destruct. By establishing a defense system, a lot of the problems that would have demoralized me in the past can be alleviated.

So there. That's how you make a better Jakob Duehr. Check back in 12 months to see how it all turned out.

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